Achievement Of Desire By Richard Rodriguez Essay

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Richard Rodriguez is a Mexican-American that is conflicted between two cultures. Growing up he encountered many difficulties and still managed to have a successful educational career. Richard Rodriguez referred himself as a “scholarship boy.” He was a prized student, an overachiever, anxious and always eager to learn. But even though he was successful academically he was always unconfident. Richard Rodriguez considered himself to be a bad student despite his academic success because of the change and separation of his family. He was ashamed of his parents lack of education because of their Mexican heritage. At a young age he began to correct his parents’ grammatical mistakes. A scholarship boy referred to someone who has been changed by their education that they are troubled to reminisce about their own past. Richard Rodriguez was a student who struggled to live…show more content…
In many ways, I was a walking example of that quote. I was basically a good student in high school, but a troubled teenager. During my freshman year I continued to be on the honor roll and gotten awards for certain classes. But I also started to get into a lot of trouble with parties and the cool crowd. I started to become the center of all the girl drama that went around. And it seemed like I was in the counselor’s office regularly to get an update to see how I was doing. My lack of self confidence and the trouble in high school reflected my attitude towards my education. I was never confident when it came to projects, assignments, or class work. It felt like my peers were better than me because it seemed like they put a lot of thought and input into their school works while I felt like I turned in something worthless. This attitude led to dropping out of my honors classes and getting into regular classes my junior

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