African American Freedom Movement

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This topic is about the struggle African Americans had to go through to earn freedom and their rights. The three initial time periods are the Enslavement of Africans Era, Building Democracy Era, and the Civil Rights Era. African Americans have influenced America through the minds, cultures, aspects of life, and the real meaning of America, freedom. The freedom of African Americans was like one of the final links that America had made to make this country more of a man’s changing idea of utopia. The Enslavement of Africans Era starts from the beginning, when slaves were imported into America to work on cotton plantations. Which eventually lead to President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, this legally freed all slaves in the Confederacy.…show more content…
This time period was when most of the organizations started to either help blacks into freedom, or to eliminate all their rights. One of the biggest white organizations was and still is, the Ku Klux Klan. This group of white supremacists was founded in Tennessee in 1866. Tennessee is also the first state that passed the first “Jim Crow” segregation law; other southern states did the same. Later in 1890, Mississippi made a poll tax, which most blacks couldn’t afford, so this kept them from voting. Some tried avoiding all these segregated laws down in the south by migrating into the north so they could work in industrial towns. Marcus Garver, a black nationalist founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association held in Jamaica. This helped blacks find better life in Africa. “The National Association of the Advancement for Colored People, NAACP, was founded in 1909 by a group of black and white activists.” (PBS, internet) In 1917, the NAACP and thousands of blacks marched down New York City to protest discrimination and racial violence. Another activist organization was the Interracial Congress of Racial Equality, and it was founded in Chicago. So many blacks had to struggle to either avoid the segregation laws, and some blacks tried to change them. President Truman helped African Americans make it easier in life by making an executive order that desegregated the military. This was another link in…show more content…
African Americans also began to stand up for themselves and what was right, just like Rosa Parks. She started the year-long African American boycott of the bus system after refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white person. So, Supreme Court decided that the segregation of buses was unconstitutional. The CORE began to organize Freedom Rides throughout the south, so they could desegregate interstate public bus travel. A great man, Malcolm X became a champion of African American Separatism and black pride. More than 200,000 people march in Washington, D.C. That’s where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I had a dream” speech. That was the biggest Civil Rights demonstration ever. The student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), CORE, NAACP, and other organizations created a blacks voting registration drive in Mississippi. The 5th Amendment states, “The right to vote could not be denied by the U.S. or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” (Rosa Parks, P.45) The KKK has been sabotaging the amendment by murdering hundreds of African Americans for voting, running for office, or just taking leading roles in their communities. So, President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. This gave federal government power to prosecute discrimination in employment, voting, and education. This time period really shows how much African Americans
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