Alcapone Does My Shirts

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You never really realize the impact of a disability on family and other people, until you are in that particular situation. Just like Moose in Al Capone Does My Shirts written by Gennifer Choldenko. One of the themes of this book is how having a disability affects a family and others. Throughout many different situations in Al Capone Does My Shirts Moose’s sister Natalie’s disability affected their family in good ways and in bad. The Flanagan family consists of parents, and two children. While one of the children happens to have a mental disability, thought of as autism, that causes Natalie to need more attention than her brother, Moose. Natalie is where it all started for the Flanagan family. The reason they are on the stone island of Alcatraz. Due to Nat’s condition, she doesn’t fit into a “normal” school, so her parents are sending her to boarding school. Forcing her family to move and her father to pick up two jobs on Alcatraz as a guard and electrician, he is rarely ever home to help the family out. Moose and Natalie’s father is willing to go to the extent of working two jobs and never being home to help out Natalie, because of her disability. Not only does Natalie’s condition affect her father but her brother. He is a twelve-year-old who wants to spend time with his friends and play baseball. Moose thought his life was going to end after being pulled away from his friends back home and leaving his baseball team; moving to Alcatraz so Natalie can go to a special school. Then Helen, Moose's mother, takes away Moose's baseball days by forcing him to come home from school every day to spend time with Natalie. Moose winds up caring a lot for Natalie and her education and protecting her, even though she was thought to be ruining his life, and was embarrassing to him. Even though Moose could have gotten in a lot of trouble by the Warden he still sent the letter

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