American History: The Harlem Renaissance

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The Harlem Renaissance is one of the important eras in the American history. It is a period known for African American cultural movement of the 1920s and early 1930s that was centered in the Harlem of New York City. Also know as the Negro Movement, and the Negro Renaissance, the movement emerged toward the end of the World War I, in 1918. Several factors laid the groundwork for the movement. A black middle class had developed by the turn of the century, boosted by increased education and employment. During the Great Migration, many African Americans moved from rural South to industrial cities of the North to take advantage of employment opportunities created by World War I. As more and more educated blacks settled in Harlem, it developed into…show more content…
Other novels and autobiographies by McKay include Banjo (1929), Banana Bottom (1933); A Long Way from Home (1937), and Negro Metropolis (1940). McKay’s viewpoints and poetic achievement set the tone for the Harlem Renaissance and gained the deep respect of younger black poets, including Langston Hughes (Academy of American Poets). Another notable figure during the Harlem Renaissance was Countee Cullen. He was born in 1903 in Ney York City. In 1922, he entered New York University. His poems were published in The Crisis, Bois and Opportunity under the leadership of W.E.B. Du Bois. He won several awards for his poems in Ballad of the Brown Girl. In 1923, Harper published his first volume of versa, Color, and he was admitted to Harvard University where he completed master’s degree. His second volume of poetry, Copper Sun (1927), wasn’t as successful as Color because he didn’t give the subject of race the same attention. He was raised and educated in a primary white community, and he lacked background to use popular black themes in his writing. Cullen was also resistant to the new poetic techniques of the Modernists (Academy of American
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