American Revolutionary War Ideas

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American Revolutionary War: Americans fighting for an idea Daniel Bowden Cabrini College-History 107-Dr.Hedtke American Revolutionary War: Americans fighting for an idea The American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783 was a war where Americans were fighting for their independence from Great Britain. The American Revolutionary War was a battle between the thirteen colonies (Americans) and Great Britain. The major events that led to the American Revolutionary War were: French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, Sugar act, Stamp act, Sons of Liberty, Tea Act, and the Boston Tea Party. With all these major events no one event can be pointed to as the actual cause of the Revolutionary War, the war began because…show more content…
With the American’s having this idea of freedom from Great Britain made the Americans never give up, causing turning points in the war when the war seemed like a huge lost for the Americans. The American’s never lost the idea of independence that they had so much to fight for and if they did lose or broke the idea that they will lose everything to Great Britain. Great Britain Taking Away Americans Rights The road to the American Revolutionary war was over a span of time with different events happened where American’s needed their independence from Great Britain. The French and Indian War 1754 to 1763 was a war between France and Britain. The French ended up defeating Great Britain and leaving them highly in debt due to the war. BOOK( 481) states “The British have a national debt of 130 million pounds. This is double the national debt of 1754. The cost of administering the colonies jumped from 70,000 to 350,000. The British are already paying nearly 40 percent of their income in taxes. They will look to the colonies as a source of revenue.” The thirteen colonies already pay two taxes (Government and colony tax). Now since Great Britain is in such debt they look to the…show more content…
How will the colonist prevail over such a mighty army and navy of Great Britain? How can the colonist defeat someone with the size 4 times of them? The American’s won this war with pure heart and commitment to the idea of gaining independence from Britain. The Americans new they were fighting for more than Britain. The Americans just needed to keep the idea of fighting for their independence and never give up that idea. That will win the war for the Americans. As the war begins the English sent over soldiers and ships to take over New York. British won every battle. Americans were almost defeated. The American army was even pushed out of New York all the way to Pennsylvania. The Americans had 24,000 soldiers beginning the fight for New York, now they have about 8,000 and only 3,000 could fight due to the injuries during the battles they lost. The Americans were about to give up, but they didn’t. The British couldn’t break their spirits in becoming free from Great Britain and American could gain their independence. With the war seeming to come to an end the Americans with little soldiers that they had decided to go on a winter offensive. The Americans were planning on attacking the British. The Americans launched a surprise attack on Christmas. The Americans ended up trapping all the British soldiers. With the Americans confidence and spirits high the Americans ended up winning two more battles
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