Analysis of Symbols and Irony in to Kill a Mockingbird

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7.2 Novel Symbols and Irony Archivist Assignment If you chose to complete the archivist assignment for symbols and irony, provide your response here. Feel free to attach extra pages here, if necessary. Source: | Comment: Here I attached a picture of innocent African children playing. I think that it relates to the underlying mockingbird symbol in the novel. | Source: | Comment: Here I inserted comparison of Jaden Smith from when he was a child to when he was a teenager. I think that it can be related to the use of Boo Radley as a symbol throughout the novel. | I think my first source relates to the symbol of a mockingbird in the book because it shows pure children that haven’t had their innocence destroyed – the epitome of what a “mockingbird” symbolizes in the book. In this story of innocents destroyed by evil, the “mockingbird” comes to represent the idea of innocence. Thus, to kill a mockingbird is to destroy innocence. Throughout the book, a number of characters (Jem, Tom Robinson, Dill, Boo Radley, Mr. Raymond) can be identified as mockingbirds—innocents who have been injured or destroyed through contact with evil. This connection between the novel’s title and its main theme is made explicit several times in the novel: after Tom Robinson is shot, Mr. Underwood compares his death to “the senseless slaughter of songbirds,” and at the end of the book Scout thinks that hurting Boo Radley would be like “shootin’ a mockingbird.” My second source relates to the use of Boo Radley as a symbol because it shows how Jaden Smith’s outlook towards fame changed from when he was a child to now as a teenager. This relates to the symbol because as the novel progresses, the children’s changing attitude toward Boo Radley is an important measurement of their development from innocence toward a grown-up moral perspective. At the beginning of the book, Boo is merely a
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