Analysis: Their Eyes Were Watching God

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1. “Historical patterns suggest that just as Black women are vital to Black movements, so Black movements are vital to the progress of feminist movements.” (Giddings, p. 340) Based on 20th century events, I agree with this statement. I believe this statement for several reasons. As Giddings book mentions, feminism has always had the greatest currency in times of Black militancy or immediately thereafter. This was true in the 1840’s and 1850’s, in the post World War I years, and in the 1960’s. I found that one of the earlier feminist novels, Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Hurston was controversial but also helped lead the path to progression of the feminist movement. Her work fell between not romanticizing Black folk life, and not condemning it either. The focus of the novel’s integrity and women-centered approach was the protagonist search for identity through a relationship with the Black community rather than White society.” (Giddings, p. 193) By the late twenties, Hurston’s perspective began to permeate the political thinking of Black women. During this time, Black feminism took place full force. There were developments within the…show more content…
As I researched for my paper, women in sports have even been a part of the women’s feminist movement. Title IX made huge changes for girls today, reducing discrimination of women in sports and sports funding. There are still issues that women face today. Issues have improves, but gender roles are still apparent every day. It starts at a young age with girls wearing pink and playing with dolls, and boys wear blue and play with cars, trucks, and toy guns. Women are being discriminated upon present day, and hopefully the issues continue to improve with the thought of everyone in the world truly being treated
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