Analyze The Causes And Consequences Of The Civil War

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Overview There are many significant events and incidents that helped spark the Civil War and contributed to the end of it. These events include: the first purchase of Africans, The Confederacy, Fort Sumter, and The Emancipation Proclamation. This will be discussed in further detail. The First Purchase In 1619, early American settlers made a purchase of 20 African people from a Dutch ship. They were to serve as indentured servants. An indentured servant is someone who is projected to work for a specified period of time and then freed. When people realized that they purchased any person or thing, they considered it the fact that they owned it. Eventually, this practice would evolve into slavery. Slaves were used to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. Slavery was practiced throughout the American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries, and African-American slaves helped build the economic foundations of the new nation. This is an important piece of history due to the fact that slavery was created and evolved from this purchase. If slavery had not existed, the Civil War likely would not have been fought. There were other pressing issues between the North and…show more content…
The citizens of the North were outraged by the attack on Fort Sumter. And Major Anderson, with the flag that had flown over the fort, appeared at a massive rally in New York City's Union Square on April 20, 1861. The New York Times estimated the crowd at more than 100,000 people. Major Anderson also toured the northern states, recruiting troops. This event was clearly the most significant part of the Civil War because it is what sparked it to begin with. The Union was not initially interested in battle. However, the attack on Fort Sumter attributed to the decision of engaging in battle with the Confederate
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