Antagonist in the Great Gatsby

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Antagonist in The Great Gatsby Who is an antagonist? * Antagonist. A person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another; opponent; adversary. the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work (google definition) * Antagonist. A person who is hostile to someone or something. (oxford dictionary meaning) * Antagonist. Simady weh bad mine and grudgeful. (Jamaican definition) Who are the antagonists in The Great Gatsby? * Tom Buchanan is the only antagonist in the novel The Great Gatsby. We are first introduced to Tom in chapter one of the novel when Nick Carraway (the narrator) visits him and his wife Daisy Buchanan (Nick’s cousin) at East Egg. The readers firstly would see a relationship between the appearance of Tom and his personality which is shown through the use of Fitzgerald’s diction. We find that Tom is arrogant, aggressive, dominant, and later on we will discover his cruelness. Also Tom is incredibly wealthy due to the fact that he was born in old money (who lives on east egg). During the reading we will also uncover that Tom is having an affair with another women Myrtle Wilson, the wife of Tom’s business partner. Tom first meets Gatsby when he approaches Nick in the speak easy in chapter 4 where Nick and Gatsby had lunch with Meyer Wolfshiem. The introduction between them was quite brief as we realized that Gatsby might had known him and shortly disappeared. The next encounter he had with Gatsby was when he had attended one of his parties with Daisy. It was all now curious to Tom how this young man came out of no where, held all these extravagant parties and most of all wondered how he obtained all of his wealth. He took it upon himself to investigate Gatsby and to see what his true intensions were. Here we can identify that Tom is feeling intimidated by this new comer. The question to

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