Antigone Dialogue Between Creon And Haemon

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Scene #1 Creon and Haemon are arguing about Antigone’s fate. Creon is outraged that Antigone has disobeyed his orders and buried the body of her deceased brother, Polynices. Haemon disagrees, trying to convince his father that Antigone’s act was honorable and pure. He thinks that Creon should listen to his people and spare Antigone’s life. Creon: The people of Thebes? Since when do I take my orders from the people of Thebes? I am king, and responsible only to myself. I have made my decision, that deceitful girl will die. Haemon: Oh father, I could call you mad, were you not my father. Your stubbornness makes me ill. Is that your final word, then? Creon: Yes. I’ll repeat once more that she has betrayed our kingdom by disobeying my orders.…show more content…
Ismene glances up at Haemon, and they share a passionate kiss. Suddenly, they hear a gasp from inside the cave, and separate. Antigone appears on stage from inside the cave. Her eyes are filled with anger and confusion, and tears are rolling down her cheeks. Antigone: Oh sister!! Ismene dear, dear sister Ismene!! How could you? How could you do this to me, to yourself?? I trusted you with all my love, I have always been there for you, always!! Ismene: Antigone wait, you don’t understand… Antigone: You are an evil creature!! First you betray our dear brother! And now, me?? Have I not always been loyal to you Ismene?? I can honestly not describe the anger, pain, sadness, and let’s not forget disappointment there is in my heart!! Ismene: Please listen to me Antigone! Antigone: No!! What have I done to serve this?? Gods, please answer me, what have I done?? Everything I ever did was for my family, but I have seen nothing but betrayal! I feel so alone… She turns around but then turns back to look at Haemon with great regret. Antigone: And you, Haemon... You are even more vile than my sister. To go behind my back?! I used to respect you, even love…show more content…
Speak!! Ismene chokes and dies. Haemon: Speak!!! He yells one last time. Realizes she isn’t speaking and removes his hands. Stares at Ismene’s limp body, still with rage. Breathes heavily, and looks up to the sky. Haemon: What have I done? Have I just killed the woman I love with my bare hands? Perhaps I am just like my father; I too have killed someone I love. No. Not love. Father, Gods and Goddesses. If you hear me, listen to my words, especially you father. My hands have just been soiled by murder. Murder done by wrath and love. Wrath and anger for the murder this girl has committed. I have avenged you in honor, my father. Just like Antigone avenged her brother. May the Gods pardon us both. Why do I feel no guilt? Is it because she ahs no one to mourn her? Because her murder was only an accident? Or si it because my hands contain power? Father? Is this the power and control you felt when someone’s pitiful fate rested in your hands? It intrigues me… this power. Perhaps you were right father, perhaps women are nothing but wicked. This girl’s death is for the best. He stops and calls a servant, who comes running. Servant! Servant! Get me the oracle! (Servant

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