Ap Human Geography

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Chapter 10 Learning Guide – Agriculture Key Issue 1 – Where Did Agriculture Originate? Pgs. 306 - 314 Origins of Agriculture 1. Define agriculture: 2. Define crop: 3. What are the characteristics of a hunter-gatherer society? 4. How many hunter-gatherers are there today? 5. Where do they live? 6. Indicate the crop hearths and animal hearths on the map below. Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture 7. Define subsistence agriculture: 8. Define commercial agriculture: 9. Who prepared the most widely used map of world agricultural regions? When? What does it do? 10. What are the 5 principal features that separate commercial agriculture from subsistence agriculture? 11. Read pgs. 311-314 and complete the chart below with important information. The text will generally explain commercial agriculture, and you will need to deduce the situation of subsistence agriculture on your own. Subsistence Agriculture (Mostly in LDCs) Commercial Agriculture (Mostly in MDCs) Purpose of Farming % of Farmers in Labor Force Use of Machinery Farm Size Relationship of farming to other businesses Chapter 10 Learning Guide – Agriculture Key Issue 2 – Where Are Agricultural Regions in Less Developed Countries? Pgs. 314 – 322 Shifting Cultivation 1. In what climate does shifting cultivation predominate? And, what are its two characteristics? 2. Identify the two hallmarks of the technique of shifting cultivation. 3. What is a swidden? 4. What is potash? 5. How long are swiddens used? 6. Case Study: A Kayapo swidden field in Brazil’s Amazon region. Make notes and draw and diagram to illustrate the description given in the text. 7. How is land owned in a typical village that practices shifting cultivation? 8. What percentage of the world’s land area is devoted to shifting cultivation? 9.
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