Ap Language Analysis

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AP Language and Composition Essay Hints Scoring  The Multiple Choice section counts for 45% and the essay section counts for 55%.  Each essay is read by a different trainer.  Each essay is scored as a 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0  There are 27 points possible divided into 55% of the total possible score. The formula would look something like this. o (pts. X 3.055) + (pts. X 3.055) + (pts. X 3.055)= Essay Raw Score Essay 1 Essay 2 Essay 3  150 is the total composite score for the AP Language and Composition test. 55% of this is essay section; that equals 82.5 points. 45% of this is the multiple choice section, which equals 67.5 points. Each essay is graded on a 9 point scale; therefore, each…show more content…
Although the impact of the passage is seeing Holcomb in a less than positive light, the author rarely uses judgmental terminology or statements. In describing the town, he uses words such as “float,” “haphazard,” “unnamed,” “unshaded,” and “unpaved.” Individuals are painted with an objective brush showing them in “denim,” “Stetsons,” and “cowboy boots.” Capote maintains his panning camera angle when he writes of the buildings and the surrounding farm land. This matter-of-fact approach is slightly altered when he begins to portray the townspeople as a whole when he uses words such as “prosperous people,” “comfortable interiors,” and “have done well.” His objective tone, interestingly enough, does exactly what he says the folks of Holcomb do. He “camouflages” his attitude toward the reality of the place and…show more content…
o This essay is a chance to demonstrate your ability to develop a “researched idea” using not only your personal viewpoint, but also the viewpoints of others. o Don’t be alarmed by the length or complexity of the sources. You will choose your position, and you will choose which texts to incorporate. As long as you address the prompt and cite the required number of sources, you will be fine. o You must be able to analyze the argument each source is making. What claim is the source making about the issue? What data or evidence does the source offer in support of the claim? What are the assumptions or beliefs (explicit or unspoken) that warrant using this evidence or data to support the claim? o Ask the questions:  What are two or three possible positions that I could take on this issue?  Which of these positions do I want to take? Why? Keep an open mind, and choose the topic that you will have the best essay and supporting

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