Apple Inc Essay

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1. What were Apple’s competitive advantages? Please complete a SWOT analysis as a minimum in the Appendix to answer this question. 2. Analyse the dynamics of the PC industry. Are these dynamics favorable or problematic for Apple? Apply Porter’s model and attach this to the Appendix. 3. Has Steve Jobs finally solved Apple’s long-standing problems with respect to the Macintosh business? (Please use Microsoft and other companies you see useful in attempting this question. 4. The iPod-iTunes business has been a spectacular success. Has Jobs found a new formula to create a sustainable competitive advantage for Apple? In answering this question, you need to review relevant strategic leadership and diversification strategies. 5. How would you assess Apple’s initial strategy for the iPhone? Why did Apple change so quickly to a different strategy? APPLE Inc. ------------------------------------------------- Executive Summary: Apple has been established for over 30 years since Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer in 1976. During Steven Jobs’s tenure as CEO, Apple’s mission was to bring an easy-to-use computer to market. However, Apple was not performing as good as Jobs projected, so he resigned in 1985. In the following 12 years, Apple experienced three different CEO’s and still could not be brought back to life. Under John Sculley, Apple worked to drive down costs by switching much of its manufacturing to subcontractors. But these efforts were not enough to sustain Apple’s profitability. During the Michael Spindler years, international growth became a key objective for Apple. Yet despite Spindler’s efforts, Apple lost momentum. Soon after Gilbert Amelio replaced Spindler as CEO, he proclaimed that Apple would return to its premium-price differentiation strategy. Despite some austerity moves, Apple lost its

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