Apush - Dbq - The Articles Of Confederation

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The Articles of Confederation – DBQ The Articles of Confederation failed to provide proper leadership and government to the United States economically, politically, and socially. The Confederation’s lack of control over their states led to disarray and confusion among trade and taxes. There was also an issue convincing state officials to participate in the government as well as settling disputes between the states and even other countries. The Articles of Confederation had problems getting a hold on their economic situation. The nation was quite poor from the Revolution and had loans from the French that it was unable to pay back. This was because the Confederation did not have the power to tax, the states were supposed to donate money to the government and as a result, when other states realized that some were not donating money, they refused to as well. Despite the lack of taxing for the nation, the states placed taxes on goods being traded in or through their territory from other states. However, trade was complicated by the fact that there was no national currency. A Virginia dollar could be worth more than a South Carolina dollar, or worth less than a New England gold coin. In the table showing the “Estimated Market Value of United States Exports to Great Britain” one can see that after the Revolution, there less trade with Great Britain, which also hindered the economic situation of the United States. Politically, the Articles of Confederation was unable to maintain order. They allowed each state one vote for equality; unfortunately, many members would often fail to attend Congress, more concerned about what was going on in their state, therefore, the vote was not cast. Also among the states there were many disputes, especially about boundary lines. In the map of “Western Lands Ceded by the States” of 1781-1802 one can see how the states made their
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