Are Atomic Bombs Really Necessary Essay

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Some deem this drastic event as necessary, some say it was cruel and ruthless, while others have yet to form an opinion between if it was entirely bad or essential. The atomic bombs, known as Little Boy and Fat Boy, left devastation all over Japan’s cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, when two U.S. planes dropped them from above. The bombs were supposedly intended to end World War II, but yet the morality of the situation is often called into question when seeing the wake of their destruction. With any little bit of knowledge on what happened, one can become aware of the various viewpoints and grasp a new understanding of the material. These perspectives are often put into three categories: the question of “Was it truly Necessary?”, and its counter-argument, along with demolition and effects. The annihilation left by the second atomic bomb dropped, Fat Boy, over Nagasaki made for a quicker decision by Japan to pull…show more content…
What is known are the effects of the atomic bombs. They mean death and destruction to all and for those to come for their effects do not just disappear, but instead linger affecting future generations. The key to history is learning from one’s or others’ mistakes and not repeating those same mistakes or going about them in a different way so as to prevent the same end result. In other words, mankind cannot change history and stop the atomic bombs from happening; so mankind must learn from his actions in the past in order to not repeat anything that could be that detrimental. The atomic bombs have impacted others on a greater scale than most people will ever realize. They left a mark in time that will always be remembered. America as a whole will continue to think of it as a necessary course of action, but once one understands the facts only then will they actually discern how necessary it really
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