Argumentative Essay: The Conviction Of Immigrants

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Just simply think of this; there is a family of four, two parents and two children, living in Orlando, FL but originally from Colombia. The father moved to America when he was ten years old with his parents, but never got legal papers saying he is a legal citizen of the USA. Deportation is forced and the family is either brought apart or in a tough situation where they all have to move to a new place that isn’t familiar to them. This is such an inconvenient situation that really does have me feel sympathy towards other families I see around me going through different struggles having to do with this. I feel that only criminals that are immigrants should get deported. Also, if all the people that are not citizens in this country were not here then who here would actually do all those labor jobs? Think about that and how that could affect everything. A couple years ago, there was a big family from Argentina that lived here in Orlando and went to my church. These people were so very nice and extremely close friends to many people at the church but sadly the father, which was also a brother, and also a son of this big family was getting deported. This led to the decision of them just all leaving and…show more content…
My dance ministry leader is happily married with a man that lived in Colombia as a child and had his green card but it had expired and he was caught in the country without one which caused them to have to go to an immigration office, get evaluated, and some other things. If a person has not done anything against the law, as in start gangs and do drugs and things like that then I believe they deserve a second chance to stay in the states because they’ve already built lives here which bring better opportunities and just a safer place to be. Also I strongly believe that if these people are helping, working, paying taxes, doing everything right then that’s when they especially deserve

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