Assess the View That Religion Reflects the Interests of the Powerful in Society

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Assess the view that religion reflects the interests of the powerful in society Gender, class and religion are often referred to as unfair according to feminists and Marxists. Feminists argue that religion is used by men to oppress women because they are physically powerful. Marxists argue that religion is used by the rich and powerful as an ideological tool of the dominant groups in society. According to Fulcher and Scott (2007), religion is known as a system of beliefs through which people organize and order their lives. This is often thought to involve a belief in a god or gods, but this is not the case in all religious beliefs. The central meaning of ‘religion’ is, in fact, simply the way in which shared beliefs establish regulations, rules or bonds of obligation among the members of a community. This essay is going to highlight some of the ways in which religion serves in the interests of the powerful in society. Durkheim argues that the main function of religion is to promote social stability because when people have the same beliefs, they often have the same norms and values. However, Karl Marx argues that religion the opiate of the masses therefore it distracts the attention from the possibility of taking action to improve the social world by making false promises about the happy and satisfying life after death in the next world, which in turn gives the rich and powerful the ability to oppress the working class without guilt. Religion acts as an opiate to dull the pain produced by oppression but, it only masks the pain rather than treating its cause therefore offers no solution to earthly misery. This also means the working class accept that being poor is God given and therefore cannot rebel about it. (Haralambos, M and Holborn, M. 1990) According to Marx, “religion served to siphon off potentially revolutionary thoughts and actions by focusing attention
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