Assessment - Case Study Establish Effectic Workplace Relationships

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1. What different skill and experiences might be required to market B2B compared to operating in the consumer market? In order to understand the skill sets and experiences required to market accordingly between B2B (Business-to Business) we must first understand the difference between B2B and B2C (Business –to- Consumer) markets, the buyers in them and how to identify what processes are require to close a sale. What drives B2B market buyers opposed to B2C? B2B • Relationship driven • Maximize the value of the relationship • Small, focused target market • Multi-step buying process, longer sales cycle • Brand identity created on personal relationship • Educational and awareness building activities • Rational buying decision based on business value B2C • Product driven • Maximize the value of the transaction • Large target market • Single step buying process, shorter sales cycle • Brand identity created through repetition and imagery • Merchandising and point of purchase activities • Emotional buying decision based on status, desire, or price The difference between a B2B and B2C business markets depends solely on the buyer and their emotional perspective about the item or service they wish to purchase. Consumers who make buying decisions based on status, security, quality, comfort and benefits are known as B2C business consumers. On the other side of the equation are B2B customers tend make decisions based on features which can lead to increasing profitability. The potential to reduce costs and enhance the productivity of the business. These customers may also purchase products to maintain a competitive edge over their markets competition. To achieve success in a B2B market the seller must have a great understanding of: Communication skills: Having good communication skills could

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