Assignment 206 Hsc

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Assignment 206 Task B Handout Produce a handout to be used during a staff induction for an adult social care service of your choosing. The handout must include: Bi, An outline of what is meant by agreed ways of working. Bii, An Explanation of the importance of having full and up-to-date details of the agreed ways of working. Biii, A description of why it is important that social care workers follow guidance about the limits of their job role. The law requires you to follow the agreed ways of working. Your companies policies and procedures or agreed ways of working tell you how you are required to work. They incorporate various pieces of legislation as well as best practice. These are in place to benefit and protect you, the individuals you support and your employer. They also enable you to provide good quality service working within the law and most importantly aim to keep you and the individuals you support, safe from danger or harm. Policies and procedures are to be adhered to in conjunction to the service users care plan, where the management of the individuals daily care needs are agreed and documented. It is important to have up-to-date agreed ways of working as there may be changes in policies within the law and the company may have to implement these policies to help protect the vulnerable. There is a duty to keep service users safe by following policies, procedures and working within your job role. Each job title entails particular duties and responsibilities. Within each position there are routine tasks and activities and expectations. Individuals will be specifically trained to perform the responsibilities of their role, and each role involves limits. Each worker is expected to limit themselves to the usual and customary activities involved in the fulfilment of their role. Think about what could happen if you did something that was outside
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