Atticus Finch Man of Value Essay

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The main character of a movie or novel is responsible for maintaining the stability of society within the movie, portraying qualities of a true hero, and constantly showing the movie’s central themes. In the classic, To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finch serves as the main character of the movie by displaying a character of stability, humility, and high moral standards. Atticus Finch is a character of stability in an unstable society. He is a balanced person who is able to cope with the unreasonable and highly emotional town in which he lives. He can manage the prejudiced white population and still deal justly with the underprivileged black population of Maycomb. He is one of the few people who didn’t judge a person because of the color of his or her skin. This enables him to defend Tom Robinson based solely on the concept of justice and equality. In his closing argument, Atticus explains that, “there is one place all men are created equal. That place is in a court room.” This justifies the fact that Atticus believes in equality in a society, the equality not only of race, class, and religion as well. His stability throughout the movie is one of the many characteristics that depict Atticus Finch as the movies main character. In a town where not many deserve positive recognition, Atticus deserves a lot of it. Surrounded by the self-righteousness of others, he is able to remain emotionally grounded. Atticus Finch is a highly accomplished man of great intelligence. For example, during one of their chats with Miss Maudie, Scout learns that her father’s childhood nickname was “Ol Shot”, which referred to his unbelievable marksmanship. When Scout becomes excited about telling all of her friends about her father and his incredible talent, Jem says, “I'd reckon if he wanted us to know he’d a told us. If he was proud of it he’d a told us… but
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