Attitude, Legislation And Litigation

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Running head: ATTITUDE, LEGISLATION, AND LITIGATION Attitude, Legislation, and Litigation Tammie Johnson Grand Canyon University: SPE 226 April 1, 2012 Attitude, Legislation, and Litigation The education of students with disabilities has changed over the years. During the B.C. era students with disabilities were consider a disgrace, were shun by society, and the Greek philosopher Aristotle openly declared, “As to the exposure and rearing of children, let there be a law that no deformed child shall live“(Hardman, Drew, & Egan, 2009, p. 4) When children with disabilities were denied access from the public school system, they were taught separately from the general population and were placed in isolated special education classrooms. Through most of the history of public schools in America, services to children with disabilities were minimal and were provided at the discretion of local school districts. Until the mid 70’s, laws in most state actually allowed schools to refuse enrollment of students with disabilities; while on the other hand some students with special needs were admitted to the public school system and placed in regular classroom but did not receive the required special services, while other were served in special programs that were considered inadequate. The views of the way students with differences should be taught and treated have changed as people have become more open minded. Now children with learning disabilities who were once receiving no education are now receiving special funding and programs especially for those individuals with learning problems. Thanks to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its amendments of 1986 and 1992 it began guaranteeing the educational rights of individuals from institutions receiving federal funding. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) then required that education be provided in

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