Ban The Burqa

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Ban the Burqa The questions asked of this assignment are, (1) what was the author’s thesis? (2) What evidence does the author us to support her thesis, why? (3) Do you agree or disagree with the author’s thesis? (4) Did anything the author had to say alter your viewpoint on the subject and/or provide you with new and valuable information? (1) what was the author’s thesis? Banning the burqa is without doubt a terrible assault on the ideal of religious liberty. It is the sign of a desperate society. No one wishes for things to have come so far that it is necessary. But they have, and it is. (2) What evidence does the author us to support her thesis, why? “But the burqa is simply the extreme point on the continuum of veiling, and all forced veiling is not only an abomination, but contagious: Unless it is stopped, the natural tendency of this practice is to spread, for veiling is a political symbol as well as a religious one, and that symbol is of a dynamic, totalitarian ideology that has set its sights on Europe and will not be content until every woman on the planet is humbled, submissive, silent, and enslaved.” And still more evidence on her “why”. “At its core, the veil is the expression of the belief that female sexuality is so destructive a force that men must at all costs be protected from it; the natural correlate of this belief is that men” (3) Do you agree or disagree with the author’s thesis? In part, yes in a whole no, and this is why. Faith is akin to hope, and hope is akin to despair. Despair is a weapon of religion that ensnares those that are poor of both will and wealth. A strong will leads to no need in a God; whereas wealth allows control or complacency in one’s own life. Mankind must one day consider that there is no God and in this remove the trinkets of religion from the fabric of everyday life. The women of our world are thought to
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