Behaviourist Revision Essay

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| Behaviourist | | Behaviourism also assumes that we are born as a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and so equal at birth. It is environmental factors rather than genetic or biological differences that make us behave differently. Behaviourism very much represents the nurture aspect of the nature-nurture debate. | One Assumption | One assumption of the behaviourist approach (BA) is that we learn through classical conditioning. This is based on the principle of association. Pavlov showed (through his research with dogs) that if two stimuli are presented at the same time (e.g. food and sound of a bell), and this happens repeatedly, then they become associated with each other. Through this process, we can learn new responses to environmental stimuli, as the behaviourist approach says all behaviour is learned. | Second Assumption | The BA says that we also learn through the consequences of our actions. This is known as the operant conditioning. We learn through reinforcement and punishment (one increase the likelihood the behaviour will happen again, and the other decreases it every happening again). Reinforcement can be positive or negative. Positive reinforcement is where we receive a reward for our behaviour, negative reinforcement is where we manage to avoid something unpleasant happening. An example of operant conditioning was Skinner (1948) who conducted a study on rats. Skinner showed how positive reinforcement worked by placing a hungry rat in his Skinner box. The box contained a lever in the side and as the rat moved about the box it would accidentally knock the lever. Immediately it did so a food pellet would drop into a container next to the lever. The rats quickly learned to go straight to the lever after a few times of being put in the box. The consequence of receiving food if they pressed the lever ensured that they would repeat the action again and
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