Blindness and Insight

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Blindness and Insight: Torvald’s Tragedy of Pride Pride has been the cause of many conflicts through the ages of time. It is said, that at the center of every conflict is a man’s pride. Pride is a human nature that clouds the thoughts and controls the emotions of people. Pride builds barriers of arrogance and vanity that blinds people of seeing what is really going on around them. In Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, the pride of Torvald blinded Torvald, and gave him a sense of manhood and superiority over Nora throughout the play until his pride was put to the test, and in doing so, revealed a weak and desperate man. Throughout most of the play, the pride of Torvald gave him a sense of superiority over Nora by the way he spoke to her in a superior way. Torvald made it seem as if she was a child. For example, He called Nora by pet names, “My little skylark” (1040), “My little Squirrel” (1040), and “My little song-bird” (1056). In each name, Torvald used the word “little”, as if to belittle Nora emotionally and intellectually to show his power and superiority over her as if she was his child instead of his wife. Torvald also took joy in showing off his manhood that fed his pride of the man of the house by pride fully hoping that Nora would be in trouble and he would be the knight in shining armor. He went as far as to say “Nora, I have often wished that you might be threatened by some great danger, so that I might risk my life’s blood, and everything, for your sake.” (1081). No man wishes for a great danger to fall upon their wives, but in that statement, Torvald tried to show off his manhood and “wished” for a great danger to fall upon Nora. Although Torvald talks a big game, he is going to get exactly what he wished for. Nora will need him to be her knight in shining armor, and Torvalds pride must then step up to rescue Nora. Torvald’s wish is granted when he
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