Body Fluids Are Distributed Between Compartments Case Study

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ANALYSE HEALTH 1.3 Body fluids are distributed between compartments. Describe these compartments and their percentage of total body weight. The plasma membrane that surrounds the cell regulates the substances that flow in & out of the cell. To help this process occur, the cells are bathed in fluid. The types of fluid are: Intracellular fluid is the fluid inside the cell and Extracellular fluid is the fluid outside the cell. Extracellular fluid is made up of: Blood plasma, Interstitial fluid (between cells - also called 'tissue fluid') Sub-compartments, e.g. cerebrospinal fluid. Water and electrolytes are constantly moving between these compartments 40% of the body weight is intracellular for males and 35% for females. 20% of body weight…show more content…
Because electrolytes play an important role in homeostasis, the danger of dehydration and an electrolyte balance is life threatening. If the potassium or sodium levels are too high or low, it can interfere with the electrical activity within the heart causing it to have abnormal rhythms or a myocardial infarction. Low blood pressure, confusion, disorientation and renal failure can all be dangerous when there are dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Confirmed Physical Health, online classroom, and learning guide HLTAP401B. Tortora/Grabowski, Ninth Edition, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, Chichester, Weinheim, Brisbane, Singapore, Toronto. How have the functions of the skin been impaired? The functions that have been impaired are the ability to control body temperature, the protective barrier against bacteria and pathogens, the synthesising of vitamin D, the ability to maintain fluid, the ability to sweat and the loss of senses to touch or pressure. Confirmed Physical Health, online classroom, and learning guide HLTAP401B. How will the body try and repair the areas that have been burnt? The body will try and repair the burns in 3…show more content…
Hypertension is High blood pressure, which is caused by the higher pressure of blood exerted on the artery walls Arteriosclerosis is a thickening, hardening, narrowing or loss of elasticity in arteries or blood vessels, which results in interference in the circulation of blood. Confirmed Physical Health, online classroom, and learning guide HLTAP401B. Tortora/Grabowski, Ninth Edition, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, Chichester, Weinheim, Brisbane, Singapore, Toronto. How often are they related? They are often related. An unbalanced diet, age, not enough exercise and lifestyle choices, such as smoking, can produce both conditions. Hypertension can cause arteriosclerosis by making the artery walls thick and less elastic, which speeds up the forming of fatty deposits in blood vessels. Hypertension can be a result of arteriosclerosis due to the artery walls thickening and blood flow is restricted. Confirmed Physical Health, online classroom, and learning guide HLTAP401B. Tortora/Grabowski, Ninth Edition, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, Chichester, Weinheim, Brisbane, Singapore,

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