Book Critique - the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Book Critique - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People The book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People written by Steve Covey covers different traits and characteristics that help a person achieve a better balanced life. It shows the difference of a person with personality ethics versus a person with character ethics. Steve Covey is a Harvard Business School graduate. He does not claim to be the inventor of the seven habits, he believes it is a natural law or principle that resides in each of us. The author is trying to get people to put their character ethics into perspective by introducing, in laymen’s terms, the foundations and skills which will help to build these characters but without the religious interventions. The overview of the book tries to prepare you so that when you get to the first habit, you will have a better understanding of how the habits came about. It explains the differences of the personality ethics most people possess today instead of the character ethics we were born with. It starts with some common problems that most people can relate to. Then it goes through the history of character ethics and how society seemed to have lost these ethics to personality ethics. It shows the usefulness of the character ethics techniques in either your business or personal life. If you are not really looking to make a change in your life it will be tough to get through all of the first sixty two pages. This book takes you through numerous steps in each of the seven habits. The author makes no promises of an easy fix to anyone. According to the author, when he was researching material for a presentation to a business on perception, he found himself particularly interested in literature on success going back two hundred years. He states that before World War II, people used character ethics when dealing with others either in a personal
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