Book Summary: The Chocolate War

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Ashley Merath Mrs. Day Reading 5/8 22 October 2011 The Chocolate War The Chocolate has many characters. The first character is Jerry Renault he is 5 foot 9 inches and weighs 145 pounds; he is a dreamer and gets picked on throughout the book. The next charter is the Goober he is 6 feet 1 inch and is a bully. Archie is the leader of a group called The Vigils and you could never win an argument with him. Obie is the kind of kid that is always tired. He also hates Archie and gets picked on a lot. Emilie is the next character and he is very small and thin. Brian Cochran wasn’t to be just like John Carter and is very strong. The Brother of the book is Brother Jacques, Brother Leon, and Brother Eugene. Brother Jacques is an antagonist and so is Brother Eugene. Brother Leon is sort of like an antagonist to because is he is mean to students. A kid named Jerry Renault is a freshman at…show more content…
It teaches that that we have to respect people that have authority over us. Although, I don’t think a lot of things were right that happened in the book. Yeah, you should respect people that have authority over you, but the people that do shouldn’t take power of that. No one should ever get beat up because they were listening to someone, or they shouldn’t get bullied cause of it either. The teachers also should have stepped in when they saw the fight happening and not just stood there. It teaches us students that we should stand up for kids, and teachers are not always the good person in the situation and there could be favoring. In conclusion, I think that The Chocolate War was a very good book that taught very interesting lessons. It always makes me think twice but saying, “no” to something that I should do. I think the lesson here is to just plain out respect everyone and you will not have any problems. This should not be a problem since everyone should already be doing so
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