Born to Run

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Running for your Life In “Born to Run,” author Mcdougall is faced with the question of why his feet hurt. Instead of giving up, when the number sports doctor in the nation tells him that he simply isn't born to run he sets out on a journey to find the Tarahumara, who maybe able to answer his question. The Tarahumara are a group of Native American people who are well known for running long-distances in sandals or barefoot and their amazing endurance, running over 20 miles a day. Something that seems nearly impossible to most humans. In his quest he learned the true meaning of running and life, in which love takes a big part of. As humans “We run when we’re scared, we run when we’re ecstatic, we run away from our problems and run around for a good time. And when things look worst, we run the most” (Page 11). Running is part of our everyday life. We run for two reasons: fear and pleasure, while the Tarahumara solely run for the love of the sport. Many people use running for stress relief or simply run to escape their problems for a short while. Tarahumara run for the simple joy of running, and may run for multiple days without tiring. They do what they love and what they love is running. Many may say this is because they live in a less stressful and uncivilized environment but maybe it's because they do what they love that allows the to be stress free. The Tarahumara teach young ones how to run by playing a game named rarajipari. The in order to be good at the game you had to have good virtues such as strength, patience, cooperation, dedication and patience but most importantly you had to love to run. The Tarahumara “say the rarajipari is the game of life. You never know how hard it will be. You never know when it will end. You can’t control it. You can only adjust” (page 41). In America we play games such as football and basketball which teach similar principles
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