Brochure Research Paper

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Stroke Stroke 40 year-old Janet was out enjoying the beautiful summer day with her family. While talking to her children and spouse, all of a sudden her head began to ache quite intensely. She didn’t think anything of it because she was used to getting migraine headaches at inopportune times. A few minutes after the initial headache began, Janet’s spouse noticed that as she was speaking, her speech began to slur. He knew that this was abnormal behavior for her, so he immediately called 9-1-1 to get help. In the brochure, “Speak Up: What you should know about stroke”, published on February 1, 2012 there is pertinent information that may be quite useful for people who have risk factors that may indeed lead to a stroke. It is very beneficial for people to know if they are at risk. Strokes can be detrimental to people as well as their families. The information that is presented in the brochure could possibly help to save a life. Summary of Brochure In the brochure, a lot of information relating to strokes is covered. It outlines the signs of stoke, risks for having a stroke, how to prevent it if you are at a higher risk, what to do after a stroke, and what you can expect after recovering. The…show more content…
It gave very useful information and outlined very critical components related to strokes. I like that it gave the signs and symptoms of a stroke and explained that medical attention is needed immediately because a medication could be given to lessen the effects or even reverse the potential damage caused by strokes. The only thing that could have been improved in the brochure is more detail about what to do if you have risk factors that could potentially lead to a stroke. It was stressed in the brochure to talk with your doctor who is very important, but it could have gone into greater detail about how to change lifestyle behaviors on your own, such as changing your diet, getting involved in more physical activity, and so

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