Bullying In West Virginia Schools

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Machell Thomas Bullying Help Bullying has been an issue in school for many decades. Many sources have stated that in the United States alone 20% of students in one single school have reported being bullied in some form. “The most common definition of bullying is a repeated oppression, psychological or physical, of a less powerful person by a more powerful person or group of persons” (Bullying 1). “Young people who are being bullied are especially likely to feel trapped and alone because they usually don’t have a choice about where they live, go to school, or play” (Bullying 1). Some people and sources feel that West Virginia schools are not doing enough to help protect and show kids why bullying is wrong, but with the extent of research…show more content…
This webpage has several categories including blogs, stories, bullying in WV, getting involved, and resources. “WV Bully – Free is the campaign to secure effective anti-bullying policies in West Virginia” (Who we Are 1). They partner with organizations across the state to advocate providing adequate protections for students affected by school bullying. I found a blog called “The Bullying Cast” on this webpage that caught my interest right away because of how it explains the dynamics of bullying incidents and different roles played by students in a typical situation. There are 5 different parts to a bullying incident starting with the bullies themselves, which are those students who instigate the bullying behavior and benefit from it in some way. Second is the supporter who are those students that don’t instigate but they do show support to the bully. Third are the bystanders who are those students that view the bullying as a spectator sport. Fourth is the upstander who are students who provide some sort of support to the target of bullying. Lastly is the target themselves who are those students that are targeted for bullying by repeated acts of violence. Whether you are the person actually causing the intentional pain to others or not, if you know about it and stand around and watch it you are just as guilty as the bully. I know during my high school days that there…show more content…
“Bradley Miam, executive director of Fairness West Virginia, called the board’s approval a major victory for civil rights in the state.” Milam also said that this new addition could make all the difference in the world to students across West Virginia who is bullying victims. I also agree that passing the new anti-bullying policies on gay rights could and would make a big difference to victims of this type of harassment. Lots of younger teens are afraid of revealing their sexual preference because of how the student body is so easy to torment those who are different and don’t fit
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