Business 115 - Homework 2

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Representative I.M. Wright argues that tariffs are important for a number of reasons. Evaluate the following 3 points and decide whether you consider them to be valid or invalid. Be sure to justify your position. 1: Tariffs encourage Americans to buy U.S.-made products. (Points: 13) I find this position to be valid. Tariffs are basically taxes on imports, thus making imported goods more expensive to buy (Nickels, McHugh & McHugh, 2008, p. 75). Protective tariffs are designed to raise the retail price of imported products so that domestic goods are more competitively priced (Nickels, McHugh & McHugh, 2008, p. 76). Therefore, if when a consumer enters a store and sees similarly priced products, one imported and one made domestically, they can choose a US made product without feeling as if they are overpaying for the same product. Many American consumers would like to purchase American products but if American products are considerably priced higher than imports, it will make it a difficult decision. Since the protective tariffs would even the playing field for the consumer, it would be a beneficial implementation. 2. Point #2: Tariffs protect American jobs and wages. (Points: 13) I find this position to be valid. Protective tariffs are designed to raise the retail price of imported products so that domestic goods are more competitively priced (Nickels, McHugh & McHugh, 2008, p. 76). Therefore, if products are competitively priced then the consumer will be more likely to purchase domestic products instead of imports. Since consumers will be more likely to support American vendors, this will keep the American businesses running and not force them to cut costs to compete with imports. As long as American businesses do not have to cut costs and layoff workers to compete with imports, the American job base stays stable and possibly could grow.
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