Business Studies Gcse Investigation 1 Essay- What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?

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Controlled Assessment B- Investigation 1. Discuss whether or not Josh would make a successful entrepreneur. In this investigation I will be discussing whether or not Josh will make a successful entrepreneur; I will be using the data provided in Fig.2. There are many things you require to make a successful entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on financial risks to do so. Like a manager that Josh is, being a successful entrepreneur requires many different characteristics: Being able to plan Managing money Staying organized Confidence Risk- taking Open- minded Knowledgeable Tenacity Competitiveness Decisiveness Integrity Planning- In business you should always plan, the ability to plan is one of the many characteristics an entrepreneur should have. Writing a business plan can save you a lot of time and money, it is the best way to test if your idea is realistic. 1) Do you know what your business will be good at? 2) Do you know where you hope to be in the next 3 years? 3) How are you going to get there? The answers to these questions need to be defined for yourself if you know where you want to be headed you can then do everything in your power to get there, you will only be able to do this by planning ahead. 1) Set yourself some goals You need to know what you want to achieve, by writing them down and prioritising them, you will be one step closer to achieving them. 2) Plan longer term than day to day Planning longer term is necessary, you want to see where you business is going and achieve something, planning day to day isn’t going to do that 3) Monitor performance and effectiveness You want to be able to see how well you’re doing, how
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