CRJS205: Embezzlement Of Public Funds

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Unit 4 CRJS205 By Erika.Esquer1 April 14, 2012 American InterContinental University Online Abstract This essay will focus on a particular type of public trust crime. It will focus on the embezzlement of public funds. This essay will discuss and address any laws that pertain to subject. Embezzlement of Public Funds An offense against the public is a phrase that is largely taken to imply any violation of an oath of public office. This term encompasses common offenses such as breach of duty by malfeasance or misfeasance and favoritism, to more potent crimes such as embezzlement of public funds and bribery. In the case of embezzlement of public funds, one or more legally entrusted entities, conspires to act dishonestly in appropriating…show more content…
This can be achieved through tricks or deliberately misrepresented facts (Albrecht, 2011). Embezzlement is characterized by various elements. According to Albrecht et al. (2010), key among these is, “the fraudulent conversion of property belonging to a specific entity, by an individual with a lawful possession mandate of the said property” (p.10). Unlike in cases of fraud, this does not however imply that the prosecution must prove a scheme of intent to defraud. Based on these tenets, embezzlement is characterized together with a broad category of non-violent economic crimes, where embezzlers are entrusted violators who deprive their victims of economic benefits and of the ability to trust others…show more content…
An avid example is United States v. Domanski (2008). In this highly publicized recent case, the defendants’ indictment and subsequent guilty plea for embezzling over $1.3 million from a credit union in Nebraska; FNEEG, saw her pay said amount in return for leniency during sentencing. In conclusion, the recent increase in cases of embezzlement of public funds has had various economic and legal implications. In regard to economic repercussions, embezzlement has necessitated the need for agencies and corporations to implement more stringent measures for auditing organizational and agency expenditures. Additionally, within the legal sphere, this has led to more punitive sentences being handed out in a bid to discourage this growing

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