Career Mapping Essay

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Career Mapping In this essay I will briefly be describing the roles of a registered nurse, self evaluating myself by comparing personal transferable skills that I can bring into nursing. I will be looking at how to develop my skills that I am lacking in and discussing nursing career goals and opportunities I have learnt so far.

The role of a nurse is very diverse, they have to be a care giver by assisting patients attending to their needs, communicator as they have to communicate with a range of people; patients and other healthcare professionals. Teacher by educating patients learn about their health and health care procedures they need to perform maintain or restore
Health, Advocate to protect the patient and the human rights. Counsellor which is a process helping the patient recognise and cope with the problems. Leader influences others to work together and understanding goals to motivate people. Manager to manage work load as well as situations. Kozier, Erb, Berman, Snyder, Lake and Harvey (2008)

Having worked in the care field as a residential care manager and also being a mother I see myself as possessing various skills which is inter changeable with nursing. Which has helped me to incorporated these skills into my daily life. Some of skills I have learnt, is to be patient, sympathetic, communicate efficiently and clearly, able to adapt quickly to any situation and to be punctual. I am also able to reflect on pass experiences to enable me to change for the better. To be a nurse clearly states some of these qualities I have. Which is the right step of making a good nurse.

As a first year nursing student everything is very new to me. Just completed 6 weeks placement on the Acute Medical Unit. This Unit provide rapid access for all patients referred by their general practitioner and those triaged directly from A&E department, following
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