Case Study For Kudler Fine Foods

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KUDLER FINE FOODS PROBLEM STATEMENT Introduction After analyzing the strategic plan for Kudler Fine Foods (KFF), many problems that will slow down the process of growth and success of the business are evident. My team members and I have discussed the issues involved with Kudler Fine Foods based on the information provided in the virtual internet/intranet web site (University of Phoenix, 2009). As a team, we have identified many issues within the organization, including poor upper-level management, poor organizational planning, inordinate reliance on perishable goods, a weak strategic plan, the owner’s mixing of personal and business finances, and the lack of a website for selling KFF products and services. The problems selected…show more content…
End Vision First, I think that implementing a good management plan by the upper level management is very important for KFF’s to succeed as a company. Having a replacement inventory coordinator who purchases the best possible products for all three stores, Also, having a person who controls the accounts payable, receivables, and finances that coordinate all vendors get paid on time will allow Kathy Kudler to focus more on duties that need more attention. For instance, implement a better website for the business will give better benefits to customer, therefore, sells will increase. The company needs to understand the difference between having a website and having an effective website. The website that is in place in KFF only displays the goods and services. An effective website converts visitors into paying…show more content…
First, offering to purchase on the website will gain more attention from customers because of the convenience of time. Time plays a huge role in customer’s experience, for that reason customers will gain the easy of buying products online at Kudler Fine Foods. Additionally, KFF can advertise the unique products and services offered added to having customers enjoy the benefit of shopping online. For instance, coupons, weekly specials, gift cards are some of the incentives that the website can offer to attract more customers’ trough the website and increase revenue. In conclusion, Kudler Fine Foods needs an effective management team to operate successfully at their best ability by allowing them to implement their knowledge and skills to improve productivity around the business. Improving the website will definately allow the business to improve service therefore will atract more clients to increase revenue. Fixing this issue will improve many other areas of the business and become a better

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