Chapter Summary: Of Mice And Men

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Portfolio 3 5.2: Researching a Novel 3/24/14 Part 1: A summary of the novel, including the main characters, setting, plot, and major conflicts (one page, single-spaced) The story of of mice and men is an American classic that revolves around that classic issue of racism and the American dream of being independent and owning land. The novel starts out with two main characters, on their way to a ranch, stopping at a stream. George, who is short and dark, leads the way. The person following him is Lennie, a giant of a man with huge arms. After they reach the ranch, we are introduced to the workers who are considered main characters too: Candy, Curley, Curley's Wife, Crooks, Slim and Curley's dad. The novel takes place during the Great Depression of the 1930s in two places. It starts beside a stream, close to the Salinas River, a few miles south of Soledad, California. It then moves to a ranch, where the major part of the story is set. At the end of the novel, the setting…show more content…
We learn George is the brain of the operation, and Lennie is simple-minded but sincere. We also get good amount of foreshadowing: we learn that the men have left their hometown because of the strange incident of Lennie touching a girl’s dress. Before they’ve even gotten to the ranch, George warns Lennie that if anything bad happens, they’re to meet in this grove. Perhaps the most important function of this "initial situation" is to explain that the men are in search of money for one big reason; they’ve got a dream of owning a little place of their own. As George tells Lennie the well-worn story of the place they’ll have, we realize this relationship goes both ways. From George, Lennie gets protection and guidance, but George needs Lennie, too. Lennie believes in George, and George can use all the faith he can get. This gruffly loving arrangement has cemented their bond as

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