Characters And Conflicts In Jane Eyer Chapter 1

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How effectively does Charlotte Bronte present the character and conflict of Jane Eyre in Chapter 1 In chapter 1 of Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte presents the characters and conflicts using language to create a dramatic effect. It’s written in a 1st person narrative and in the style of an autobiography although the character Jane Eyre does not have the same name as the author. I think that the book probably reflects on the author’s life and childhood. The overall feeling coming from the character of Jane Eyre is misery and unhappiness. Bronte uses negative adjectives to create the feeling of loneliness and misery. In the first paragraph Bronte starts with quite an unusual sentence. Instead of what a lot of auto biographies start with (I was born in..) she starts with, “There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.” Opening the paragraph like this makes the reader want to find out more. She then goes on to say “We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery for hours”. The word leafless creates the image of loss and emptiness. This is a reflection on Jane’s child hood. Bronte also says “we had been wandering” even though in the previous sentence she said that there was no chance in a walk. The word wandering shows that they were walking aimlessly about with no actual purpose. When she introduces her siblings and immediately says that she is inferior to them. Bronte then says “Eliza, John and Georgiana Reed where clustered around there mamma” the “cl” sound has a very harsh acoustic texture. The sound is created at the back of the throat and creates the effect of disgust. “Clustered” also shows that John, Eliza, Georgiana and there mother are all very close, physically but also close as a family. As she doesn’t include her self in the group it shows Jane is outcast and rejected from the family. Bronte uses the word “mamma” very
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