Child Abuse In Idaho

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Child Abuse in Idaho On July 24. 2009, Robert Manwill, a five year old boy from Boise, was reported missing from the apartment complex where he was visiting his mother. This launched a massive search of more than 2200 volunteers one of the largest searches in the Boise’s history. Police reports state, “Robert may have been a victim of a tragic event.” That night investigators dig up the back yard of a nearby home. Three days after the boy goes missing his family-including his mom Melissa Jenkins and her boyfriend- attend a press conference calling to the public for help in finding little Robert. A boy’s body was found in the New York canal 11 days after Robert Manwill was reported missing. DNA results later identified the body that was found…show more content…
In Idaho, child abuse occurs in a child's home, school, organizations, and communities that a child interacts with on a regular basis. The statistics released by the state government reveals that the cases of child abuse in Idaho have increased over the last three years. Almost 40% of children are involved in child abuse cases, in Idaho where one out of ten is a victim of violence on five or more occasions in a year (Rix 213). According to Davies (29), one in every ten children, in America is assaulted by a family member in a year. 80% of young adults who were abused as children have reported cases of anxiety, eating disorders, depression, and suicide attempts among others. In Idaho, there are more than 638 victims of child abuse who seek refugee from the community-based organizations (Rix 74). The data shows that almost 5-15% of boys 15-20% of girls are sexually abused in a calendar year. Rix (127) observed that in 2012, more than 2062 cases of sexual assault were reported to the relevant authorities in the state of Idaho where more than 30% of these cases involved…show more content…
The law enforcing mechanisms have set up help desks where they receive complaints from the victims. This enables them to take action that helps to save the situation. Idaho has compulsory reporting mechanisms like code 5 16-1619 that mandates the public to report any cases of neglect, abandonment, and child abuse. According to Rix (164), this law requires that anybody who has evidence on any of the above cases to report to the police. The state has a care line where the public can call to report direct cases of child abuse to pave the way for investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators. Chapter sixteen of the state constitution concentrates on children protection (Davies 85). It has various acts that define child abuse as well as the penalties that the perpetrators are likely to face in the event that they are found guilty. The police department remains to be the immediate place where victims can report their cases. Community based organizations also play a vital role of collecting information regarding child abuse cases. This helps the police in evidence gathering that helps to prosecute the perpetrators in the courts of
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