Childcare Unit 8

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Unit 7 E1 Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in meeting children’s learning needs. Gather and present information about the role of the practitioner when children’s learning needs. A practitioners role in meeting children’s learning needs are to understand and work with all children to meet each individuals learning needs. One way practitioners can do this is providing different opportunities for individual children who is unique and may learn differently to others around them. Part of The practitioner’s role would e to plan and use resources for the environment to help ring challenges to children to help them with different areas of their learning development. The UN convention on the rights of the child is there to help children. In the UN convention it says that all children’s wants and learning needs should be met. The UN convention on the rights of the child focuses on four main principles involving children. These principles are: Non-discrimination regardless of race, sex, gender, religion. Disability or any other reason. Another thing practitioners’ do is promote a positive environment for parents as well as the children because a positive environment can mean that everyone within a setting and other to do with children outside of the setting can show positive outcomes in order to help meet the child’s best interest and needs of the child. Practitioners can also benefit from going on training courses to help them learn about childcare and help them meet the needs of the children in their care. Practitioners that go on training courses outside of the setting will get a better insight on how to work with different practitioners, parents and children. E2 Provide information about current influences on play +E4 Include examples of different theoretical models of how children play and learn. One theorist that is
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