Children Need To Play, Not Compete

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JONATHAN GRUPENACHER ESLL 26 HOLLY CROWER ESSAY 2 DRAFT 1 CHILDREN NEED TO PLAY, NOT COMPETE Competing between the ages of six and twelve can affect the physical and psychological development of a child and provide wrong thoughts to people. As Jessica Statsky mentions in “Children Need to Play, Not Compete,” the expectation of always winning and the fear of being hurt can depress and discourage children. Also, competing can be considered counterproductive, since players are eliminated before being ready to enter into contest. Additionally, even though the risk of injury is very small, children are not yet physically prepared to crash into others. Finally, competing involves a lot of pressure, which unconsciously makes kids focus only on winning. Although the thought of victory is very important for people to succeed, in children it might have bad effects, once kids don’t have enough body capability and are not yet mentally ready to handle this pressure. Therefore, youngsters should concentrate on developing their skills such as teamwork, coordination and fitness, which in the future will enable them to be good competitors Competing between the ages of six and twelve can harm children mentally. Parents who place their desire of winning into children can make them become discouraged and depressed because their physical and psychological development is inappropriate to compete (Statsky 390). Although the chance of getting hurt is very rare, the fear of getting injured can make children overreact by simulating fake incidents such as making themselves to vomit to convince the coach their stomach hurts (Statsky 389). As states Martin Rablovsky, a former sports editor for the New York Times, kids were supposed to enjoy playing sports, but it is really hard to notice any smile on their face, since they play sports as if being their job. Children should try to

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