Classic Latin American Civilizations Comparsion

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James Osborn 2.27.2011 Global 9 Honors Latin America Compare Throughout history there have been a plethora of successful cultures. Only some of these cultures, however, leave a large enough impact on history to be remembered as classical. One of these cultures was the Roman Empire. Within its success lie the keys to having a lasting and constructive culture. Other examples that can be seen as successfully leaving an impact on history are the Classical Cultures of Latin America. Though it developed centuries after the Golden Age of Rome, Latin American cultures such as the Aztecs and Incas played an important role in the development of history. After developing many characteristics similar to the Roman Empire, Latin America somehow also developed characteristics that were unique to its civilization. One similarity between the Roman Empire and the Classical Civilizations of Latin America was that both used a network of trade roads to interact and trade goods with neighboring cultures. This similarity shows that, though neither civilization was dependent on it, land trade played an important role in the cultures of the two civilizations. These trade roads also played a large part in the cultural diffusion of Rome and Latin America. In Classical Latin America and the early years of Classic Rome, Mountainous terrain isolated cities, towns, and villages, but through the complex trade routes, these two civilizations could interact with their surrounding civilizations. Another similarity between the two cultures was that the Aztecs, a classical civilization of Latin America, and the Romans both conquered new territory for either political or economic reasons. With Rome conquering Western Europe and the Aztecs conquering the majority of Central America, the two civilizations gathered a large amount of wealth from the conquered states. This

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