Cmgt/410 Compliance System Project Proposal

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Compliance System Rollout Memorandum Name Here CMGT/410 – Project Planning & Implementation Date Goes Here Instructor Name Compliance System Rollout Memorandum Executives of Soulmax Solutions, Inc. have expressed the need for the rollout and introduction of a companywide compliance system. The compliance system ensures effective collaboration with the customers of the organization’s various office branches. Stakeholders of the compliance system agree that a successful rollout would require approximately 20 hours of training for managers around the globe. The training option agreed on by executives will require the hosting of two hands-on events conducted in-person at two of the company’s centralized locations. An organizational buy-in will be required to encourage managers to participate in these training events, and the company’s CEO requests that feedback be provided on the effectiveness of these sessions. This document will discuss the requirements, objectives, details, and measurable organizational value (MOV) of the compliance system rollout project. Project Scope The rollout process of the new compliance system involves the introduction of its operations, features, usability, and procedures not known to managers of the organization. The compliance system manages the entire customer compliance process within Soulmax Solutions. The introduction of a compliance system to existing company management personnel requires extensive training processes to describe its features, abilities, and usage intricacies (Stackpole, 2008). The training process will be conducted in-person through hands-on training events at the company’s central domestic location and its international location. The main objective of these training events is to ensure that the rollout process of the compliance system is effective and beneficial to the organization

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