College Football Should Be Banned

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Author: Fan Yin Instructor: Dr. Thu H. Tran The title of the course: English 20 Date: 04 /05/2014 College Football Should Be Banned In today’s times, the topic whether the college football program should be banned or not is a hot debate in the media. Megan Greenwell (2012) argued that college football shouldn’t be banned because of several positive effects of college football. These effects include helping some students afford the tuition, generating a racial solution and making creative communities. Although Megan Greenwell provided a description about how college football affects college students in such a good way, Buzz Bissinger (2012) provided a much more compelling explanation that college football should be banned because it costs high academic budget and has very low benefits. And College football seriously hurts players by causing head trauma over repetitive hits (Buzz Bissinger, 2012). A good college is a place where students concentrate on academic achievements and work hard for their futures. When the tuition keeps increasing and academic budget keeps decreasing, we should ban college football and choose a better way to help students get ready for the highly competitive economy in their future rather than let football cause the university to fail its primary mission. Therefore, the college football program should be banned. The first aspect of the argument was that the college football program wastes much money appropriated from the slashed academic budgets (Buzz Bissinger 2012). In fact, the average students and players get no benefits from the college football program. However, coaches of a football team such as Nick Saban of the University of Alabama and Bob Stoops of the University of Oklahoma got obscene millions from academic budgets that should be used for academic purposes (Buzz Bissinger, 2012). Meanwhile, football facilities
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