Comment on the Dramatic Importance of the Minor Characters, the Nurse, the Tutor, Aegeus and the Messenger.

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Commonly regarded as Euripides’ most controversial work, Medea is a powerful story of how one’s impassioned love can turn into furious hared. As a tragedy, it is completely unlike the Aristotelian work, yet it has a nerve jarring impact due to the unforseen climax. Throughout the play, Euripides has positioned minor characters to subsidize the major characters. The clever work of Euripides also suggests that the less significant characters are used in the play to develop the plot of the play and also to reveal and recall the events that could not have been shown. As a result of this, secondary character present dramatic importance throughout the play. Subsidiary characters in the play are situated across the play to evolve the major characters. Nurse is one of the first characters to be presented by Euripides’ in the play who assists the audience understand the situation of Medea and her traits. Nurse reveals how Medea is a woman, betrayed by Jason who “left for the royal bed”, in a foreign land who has “no one to go to.” During Jason’s hunt for the Golden Fleece, Medea fell in love with him and used her magic to help him secure it. Nurse aids the audience to understand that Medea is a great “manipulator.” After Medea helped Jason secure the Golden Fleece, she helped him escape his “evil” uncle, Pelias. She manipulated Pelias’ daughters into killing only for the love of Jason, and betrayed her own father and brothers to live with Jason. “I betrayed my own family to come here with you… and yet you have betrayed me.” Not only there, Medea’s swaying is distinctive as she appeals to King Creon as a parent to stay for the day, “Oh I am wretched, pity me for my sufferings,” while she devilishly plans to kill the three- Jason, King Creon and his daughter, Glauce. The audience of the play is given a second perspective of Medea by the Tutor, Pedagogue. He presents Medea as

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