Communication Theories In Health And Social Care

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Genevieve Gayler Communication theories in Health and Social Care settings Theories of Communication Effective communication has an important role in a Health and Social Care setting, because the patient and health care professional need to be able to understand each other clearly so that the patient can receive the best possible care; which would be almost impossible if the patient’s needs can’t be clearly stated to the health care professional. Having communication eases the patient’s anxiety, removes the possibilities for mistakes to be made and lets each person know what is wanted from them. There are many ways to communicate, both verbally and non – verbal, for example interpersonal communication which is the method of which…show more content…
Example | Strength | Weakness | Related Theory | Prevents confusion | Having an interpreter to communicate socially if the person is deaf or blind. | Not having an interpreter will make it so that they are unable to communicate socially, which will make them feel isolated and frustrated. | This can be related to Tuckman’s Theory of Group Interaction because the interpreter and blind or deaf person have to work as a team so that they can interact socially. | | Doctor explaining how a Patient should take their medicine. | If the patient has to take more than one type of medication at the same time; they will get confused if the Doctor hasn’t clearly explained how they should take it. | This can be related to Argyle’s Stages of Communication because the patient needs to trust the doctor to know what he or she wants them to do. | Improves level of care for everyone | More than one nurse taking care of a patient at a hospital or in an elderly people’s home. | If they don’t communicate with each other than they may end up repeating things or the patient won’t trust the nurses. | This can be related to Tuckman’s theory of Group Interaction because the Nurses have to work together so that they can provide the best care for that patient…show more content…
| However, if there is no communication between staff or patients or clients then they will feel threatened or unsafe. | This can be related to Argyle’s Theory of Communication because if the patient, staff member or client has an idea then they won’t be able to communicate that idea because they feel unsafe or threatened. | Affection/Belonging | Effective communication between a professional and a client or patient might result in the patient or client feeling like they belong. | However, if there is a lack of communication the client or patient may feel like an outsider. | This can be related to Argyle’s Theory of Communication because if the patient, staff member or client has an idea then they won’t be able to communicate that idea because they may feel like they are an outsider. | Self Esteem | Effective communication empowers people to value others and build a positive self-image and may also build their confidence. | However, if there is a lack of communication the client or patient may feel that they can’t voice their opinions or ideas because of their lack of confidence and self-esteem. | This can be related to Argyle’s Theory of Communication because if the patient, staff member or client has an idea then they won’t be able to communicate that idea because they may feel like they are an outsider and may even feel like they aren’t
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