Compare And Contrast The Attitudes To Relationship

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Compare and Contrast the Attitudes to Relationships between Men and Women in ‘To His Coy Mistress’ and ’My Last Duchess’ This essay will compare and contrast the attitudes to relationships between men and women in Andrew Marvell’s poem My Last Duchess, and Robert Browing’s poem To His Coy Mistress. I will analyse them by exploring the tone, imagery and themes used in both. The first area of comparison is the subject and content of the poems, focusing on the storyline of each and how they treat the relationships between men and women. Andrew Marvell’s 17th century poem To His Coy Mistress is written in the first person and tells how the man is trying to persuade the woman to sleep with him. Throughout the poem Marvell’s man uses many different techniques to encourage the woman. Initially he uses extreme praise to win her over, then straight flattery, moving on to almost threatening her, and finally he begins to boast about himself to her. Robert Browing’s poem My Last Duchess is about the relationship between a Duke and his Duchess. In this poem, the Duke is speaking to his envoy, and I think that within the poem he describes how he killed her, what her personality was like and how he is arranging for his envoy to find him another Duchess. Already, there is a clear pattern shown in these poems in the relationships between men and women; the man has little respect for the female. In Marvell’s poem the man is making sexual advances to the woman, and in Browning’s poem the Duke talks about how the Duchess annoyed him with her personality and flirting nature when he says She had A heart how shall I say? too soon made glad, Too easily impressed; she liked whate'er She looked on, and her looks went everywhere. and then how he ordered her death, and now how he is trying to get someone else to find him another wife. The speaker
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