Compare How Feelings Towards Another Person Are Pr

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Quickdraw by Carol Ann Duffy and Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning are two different but yet similar poems: they both describe love through a series of metaphors. Quickdraw is about the reality/desperation of love while Sonnet 43 talks of the eternity of love. The speakers of these poems do not have similar relationships or feelings for their loved one. In Quickdraw, she (or he) knows that although her feelings are quite strong, love does not only give joy, sometimes it hurts : the speaker is experiencing love in a “real” way and reveals what happens in some couples even if it may be embroidered. On the contrary, in Sonnet 43 the speaker’s (probably the poet) feelings are very passionate: her affection seems to have no limits. She is focused on the romantic/ideal love involving God and is in her own spiritual world. In Duffy’s poem, her feelings are hurt but she still loves the other person : “silver bullets of your kiss”(l.15). This metaphor contains an ambiguous mix of two lexical fields that oppose each other. “Bullets” reminds us that violence still remains from the fight and that the pain has not been forgotten. However, “kiss” represents love and a new start. There is also another positive aspect with “silver bullets”, which is the cure, the remedy to all the past : the beloved is trying to excuse himself. On the other hand, How do I love thee? ’s speaker loves him totally : “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. From the start we are informed that there is a lot of love in this relationship : there are no obstacles and it seems that nothing can stop her loving him. Quickdraw and Sonnet 43 contrast each other in terms of the way that feelings are expressed. Duffy’s poem contains modern images :”the mobile and the landline phones”(l.1). The two people talk with modern communications; the speaker shares her feelings through the phone. This

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