‘Compare the Ways in Which Duffy and Pugh Write About Powerful Emotions’

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‘Compare the ways in which Duffy and Pugh write about powerful emotions’ Carol Ann Duffy expresses emotions differently in each of her individual poems enabling them to be amazingly unique due to the huge range of emotions used. Passion is a main occurring theme seen in Duffy’s poems especially in ‘Oppenheim’s Cup and Saucer’ being a dreamscape image and a representation of unconscious. Another poem of Duffy’s being ‘Liar’ represents the speaker focusing on the life of a woman who is insecure of her gender and living in a fantasy world. In the first chapter of Oppenheim’s Cup and Saucer it has a sense of surrealism being set in an unrealistic setting focusing truly on Meret Oppenheim herself (1936). The way in which the poem is written leaves readers thinking about Duffy’s sexuality herself due to it extremely bondage theme “she asked me to luncheon in fur” referring to S&M and indicating an active relationship between both the women. A fetishistic view of this as Freud the psychologist said is that fur actually represents female pubic hair relating to sexual references. A distaste to the laughter of men is shown when Duffy uses alliterative words “loud laughter” as they are unsupportive of the women. The idea that they are laughing is due to mocking the lesbians creating a gender divide and the men being obnoxious. Different to Liar being a dramatic monologue and the title hinting that you cannot trust betrayal of another character, its a one word title but still strong as it gets the point of it across. A sense of insecurity is shown when Duffy writes “she made things up e.g. That she was really a man” indicating they truly dont know who they are linking to the theme Identity and showing an insecurity of her gender. Also, a point of view is shown “He was called Susan actually” from the speaker about how Susan is actually quite deceptive and that she is a
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