Comparing Heroes In Cinderella And Siddhartha's Journey

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Imagine a world of glory, a world of perfection and a world of disgust. Now, imagine a life of wandering, a life of searching to find yourself. These are the lives of heroes Cinderella and Siddhartha. Both heroes engage in adventures that will have a positive result even if the tasks along the way were not easy. Along Cinderella and Siddhartha’s journey, they encounter many of the same problems. Two heroes could not ask for a better home life. Cinderella is the daughter of a rich man who is unfortunately married to a wicked woman. After the death of Cinderella’s father, she is left under the care of her stepmother and is forced to live with her two stepdaughters. She is obligated to complete all the chores around the house and any other task her stepmother asks of her while her stepsisters are being handed whatever they please. Cinderella can only hope for the best and says, “A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep” (Cinderella). She knows things will change eventually and only can hope for the best. Her journey begins when she is invited to an extraordinary ball. She has no idea that if she attends, this will be the beginning of her future. On the other hand, Siddhartha is the son of a successful Brahmin and for all of his life he has planned to become just like his father. His father is proud of…show more content…
Cinderella makes arrangements with her stepmother that is she finishes all her chores around the house, she can attend the ball. With no reason, her evil stepmother refuses to allow her to attend the ball with them. Luckily, her fairy godmother appears with everything she needs to attend the ball. Her godmother sings, “Bippity Boppity Boo!” Cinderella is ready for the ball. Cinderella walks down the stairs at this extravagant party looking as beautiful as ever in her tiara and baby blue gown. The eyes of Prince Charming are immediately drawn to

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