Comparison Of Sandburg's Life And Work

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born in Galesburg,Illinois,on January 6, 1878 to illiterate parents. His was the son of August and Clara Sandburg. His parents had emigrated to America from the north of Sweden. Eager to be brought into the American society, he [Americanized] his name from Carl to Charles.He formaly graduated from the eight grade, and at the age of thirteen he left school and began driving a milk wagon. He mostly worked as a field laborer, factories, newsboy, bottle washer, potter’s assistant, icehouse worker, painters apprentice and odd jobs to support himself. At seventeen, he traveled west to Kansas as a hobo. He continued these jobs until in 1898 the Maine was sunk and the Spanish American war began. He then served eight months in Puerto Rico during the Spaniah-American war.…show more content…
Once the war was over, Sandburg returned to his hometown where a veteran status gave him free admission to Lombard College. He became chief editor of the college newspaper. He attended for four years, but he never received a degree. A professor Philip Green Wright, not only encouraged his writing, but paid for the publication of his first volume of poetry, a pamphlet called Reckless Ectasy (1904). Sandburg became a nationally known as a poet around the age of thirtysix when a magazine (Poetry) published his shorter poems, including "Chicago". Sandburg's college years shaped his literary talents and political views. After college, he moved to Milwaukee. Where he worked as an advertising writer and a newspaper reporter. He met a women named Lillian Steichen Steichen (whom he called Paula), who is sister of a known photographer Edward Steichen. Whom he married in 1908 on June

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